It is estimated that 30,000 people were disappeared in Argentina during the civic-military dictatorship that took place between 1976 and 1983. As part of a systematic attempt to eradicate political dissidence and silence the opposition, military and security forces hunted down anyone believed to be involved in left wing activism as well as anyone even vaguely associated with opposing beliefs such as students, journalists, writers, and artists.

Some of these forced disappearances took place in the over 300 concentration camps spread across the country where prisoners were tortured and murdered, whilst others occurred during the death flights, where every Wednesday, prisoners were thrown out of a plane alive into the Atlantic Ocean.

In this work, Argentinian photographer Cinthia Baseler explores ideas of absence and materiality through the intervention of found imagery and the utilisation of negative space. By using images of different Oceans and locations, Cinthia invites us to reflect on the universality of the subject and the importance of preserving our memory in the increasingly volatile political climate.